Originality to create high-quality goods The pursuit of customer satisfaction To achieve high quality development


Release time:
2018/12/06 14:18
Recently,thegoodnewscamefromBeipiaoPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.,andthefirstbatchofhigh-strengthbendingmomentcircularconcretepolesproducedbythecompanywascompleted,andpassedthefieldtestandmechanicalpropertiesledbytherepresentativeoftheCubancountryinChina.test.  Theexportofhigh-poweredbendingmomentcircularconcretepolestoCubaisacooperationprojectbetweenBeipiaoElectricPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.andtheRepublicofCubaWindPower.TheprojectislocatedontheLatinAmericanandCaribbeancoast,withpoorworkingconditions,saltfogcontentof35~36%,andinstantaneouswindspeedof45m/s.Throughthemulti-partyargumentsoftheCubanPowerUnionandthechiefexpertsoftheRepublicofCubaroute,thedesignofsteelpolesandtowerswasnegatedfromthecomparisonofstructure,productionprocessanddurability.Atthesametime,thedesignoflarge-scalepolesinElSalvadorwasalsonegated.ThefinaldesignusesapartoftheprestressedlargebendingmomentcircularconcretepoleproducedbyBeipiaoPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.Thisprocessiscompatiblewiththeadvantagesoftheelasticdeformationoftheprestressedpoleandthelargebendingmomentofthenon-prestressedpole.Combinedwiththemechanicalpropertiesanddurabilityofthehigh-strengthconcrete,theproductisfullyadaptedtotheoperatingconditionsofthelocalharshconditions.Afterthreeon-siteverificationsbyCubanPowerAllianceexpertsandchiefexpertsoftheCubanroute,inthecaseofdestructivetestswithasuperstandardof300%loading,thesteelbarscontinued,theconcretewasnotbroken,andalltheindicatorsmetthedesignrequirements.  Theprojecthasexperiencedmorethantwoyearsofbusinessnegotiationsandfieldvisitssince2016.InAugust2018,thetwosidessignedacontractfortheexportof2,400high-strengthbendingmomentcircularconcretepolesworth13millionyuan,andreachedalong-termcooperationagreement.Thisisnotonlyamajorhistoricalnodeinthe40yearssincetheestablishmentofBeipiaoPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.,butalsoachievedabreakthroughintheexportofhigh-strengthbendingmomentcircularconcretepolesinChina;itisnotonlythehonoroftheNorthPolepole,butalsotheChinesepole.Industryhonors.  BeipiaoElectricPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.isoneofthereviseddraftingunitsofthenationalstandardGB4623-2014"CircularConcretePole".ItisamemberunitofChinaConcreteandCementProductsAssociation,thechairmanunitoftheNationalElectricPoleBranch,andthenationalpoleprofessional.ThecommitteemembershavemasteredthemostadvancedpolemanufacturingtechnologyinChina.Theyhavedevelopedandproducedprestressedpoleswithlightningprotectiondevices,assembledpoleswithinternalflangeconnections,anti-freezecrackinganti-corrosionpoles,andhigh-strengthbendingmoments.Avarietyofnewproductssuchaspolesarethestrongestresearchanddevelopmentcapabilitiesofdomesticpolenewproducts.Theproductshavecoveredmanyfieldssuchaspower,high-speedrailandurbaninfrastructureconstruction.  Inrecentyears,thecompanyhascontinuedtopromotethemarketapplicationofurbaninfrastructureproductssuchashigh-strengthbendingmomentreinforcedconcretepoles,prefabricatedconcreteinspectionwells,concretepipejackings,high-speedrailspecialconcreteprefabricatedparts,etc.,andactivelypromoteproductinstallation.Newtechnologiesinconstructionusecontinuetocultivateneweconomicgrowthpoints.Onthebasisoftheproductionoftraditionalconcreteproducts,relyingonthecompany'sprovincial-levelenterpriseengineeringtechnologyresearchcentertofocusonforward-lookingproductresearchanddevelopment,andestablishedLiaoningXingshunEngineeringCo.,Ltd.withthethird-classqualificationofmunicipalengineeringgeneralcontracting,activelycontractingpower,pipeline,municipalTheconstructionoftheprojectwillacceleratethepaceofenterprisetransformation,andmaketheenterprisebecomealarge-scaleprofessionalassemblyenterpriseintegratingproduction,installationandconstructioninthenorth. Atpresent,BeipiaoPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.iscurrentlypreparingfortheassembly-typeconstructionproductionbaseproject.Plannedconstructioninvestmentof65millionyuan,calculatedaccordingtotheassemblyrateof30%ofhousesinChaoyangarea,graduallyformingaproductionscalewithanannualoutputof100,000m3,newconcreteprefabricatedpartssuchasstairs,wallpanels,laminatedslabsandshearwalls.Theproducthasbeensuccessfullytrial-produced.Itisestimatedthatafterthecompletionoftheproject,theannualoutputvaluewillreach200millionyuan,theprofitandtaxwillbe30millionyuan,and200peoplewillbeemployed.  OnOctober14,themunicipalpartycommitteeandthemunicipalgovernmentissuedacongratulatorylettertoBeipiaoPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.ontheexportprojectofhigh-strengthbendingmomentcircularconcretepoles.Itishopedthatthecompanywillstrivetobecomebiggerandstronger,becometheleaderoftheelectricpoleindustry,andmakenewandgreatercontributionstothedevelopmentofBeipiao.OnOctober15th,BeipiaoElectricPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.statedinathank-youlettertothemunicipalpartycommitteeandthemunicipalgovernmentthatitwillneverletdownthehopesofthemunicipalpartycommittee,themunicipalgovernmentandthepeopleofthecity.Itwillseriouslysummarizethecompany's40-yeardevelopmentprocess,carryforwardthe"artisanspirit",taketheroadofinnovation,andseekdevelopment.Make"MadeinChina"andmakeg
Release time:
2018/12/06 14:16
In2018,BeipiaoElectricPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.ispreparingfortheoperationoftheassembly-typeconstructionproductionbaseprojectbasedontheproductionoftraditionalconcreteproducts.Theinvestmentinthefirstphaseoftheprojectisplannedtobe65millionyuan.Accordingtotheassemblyrateof30%ofhousesinChaoyangarea,theproductionscaleof60,000m3peryearisformed.Newconcreteprefabricatedpartssuchasstairs,wallpanels,laminatedslabsandshearwalls.Atpresent,theaboveproductshavebeensuccessfullytrial-produced.Itisestimatedthatafterthecompletionoftheproject,theannualoutputvaluewillreach200millionyuan,theprofitandtaxwillbe30millionyuan,and200peoplecanbeemployed.Theprogressoftheprojectandthescaleofproductionwillincreaseinvestmentaccordingtothepromotionoflocalgovernmentsandmarketdemand.  BeipiaoPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.Self-productionandinstallationofthemodelroom(realshoteffect) ThePCcomponentmanufacturingofthismodelisbasedonthe“NationalBuildingStandardDesignAtlas15G365-1”and“PrecastConcreteShearWallExteriorWallPanel”.Theouterwallpanelsizeis3000mm*2760mm,andatotalof8prefabricated,ofwhich2arewithwindows.Sandwich"shearwallsiding,2piecesof"sandwich"shearwallsidingwithdooropening.  Accordingtothe“NationalBuildingStandardDesignAtlas15G365-2”and“PrecastConcreteShearWallInteriorWallPanel”,theinteriorwallsizeis3000mm*2760mm,totaling2pieces.  Accordingtothe“NationalBuildingStandardDesignAtlas15G366-1”and“TerminalReinforcedConcreteLaminatedPlates”,therequiredsizeofthissampleroomis915mm*3060mm,1480mm*3060mm,andtheprefabricatedplatethicknessis60mm.Atotalof6piecesareprefabricated.  Accordingtothe“NationalBuildingStandardDesignAtlas15G367-1”and“PrefabricatedReinforcedConcreteSlabStairs”,therequiredstaircasesizeofthissampleroomis2900standardfloorheightand9pedalstairs,totaling2pieces.  Manufacturingmode: 1.Mainmaterials:C40concrete,HRB400hot-rolledribbedsteel,HPB300hot-rolledroundsteel,EPCexternalwallinsulationboard,junctionbox,threadingpipeandotherembeddedcomponents. 2.Theinnerandouterwalls,stairwaysandlaminatedslabsoftheprefabricatedshearwallofthesampleroomareallproducedbyfixeddietablemode.Theadvantagesofthisproductionmodearelowinvestment,accuratesize,lowproductioncostandflexibility. 3.Theassemblymethodisinstalledbyspecialliftingtoolssuchasmanualandcrane. 4,thebasicprocessoftheproductionline:moldtablecleaningprocess→sprayreleaseagentprocess→installationsidemoldreinforcementinstallationpre-buriedprocess→concretepouringvibration→surfacetreatmentprocess→curingprocess→moldremovalprocess→componentuplift,liftingProcess→componentfactorytransportationprocess.  Comparedwithtraditionalcast-in-placereinforcedconcreteandmasonrybuildings,prefabricatedbuildingsaremanufacturedbyprefabricatingbuildingcomponentsincludingbeams,slabs,columnsandexternalwalls.Aftercuringandacceptance,theyaretransportedtothesite.Theconstructionmethodinwhichtheinstallationiscompleted.Itisanewtypeofbuildingstructurethatisactivelypromotedbythestate,green,energy-savingandenvironmentallyfriendly.Shearwall,staircase,balcony,laminatedfloorandotherfactoryproduction,accuratecomponentsize,quickon-siteassembly,convenient,strongshockresistance,safeanddurable.
Release time:
2018/12/06 13:53
Thepastislikeacloudofsmoke,andthepastislikerunningwater.Photographsaretracesoflife;oldphotographsarememoriesofpastlife.Behinditistheprecipitationoftheyears,theepitomeofthetimes,theoldthingsthatwecanmiss,letpeopleappreciatethevicissitudesofhistory,butalsocherisheverythingthatwehavetoday.Sinceitsestablishmentin1980,BeipiaoElectricPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.(formerlyXingshundeElectricPoleFactory)hasundergonenearly40yearsofwindandrainbaptism,andthecompany'sfactoryappearancehasundergoneearth-shakingchanges.Theimagesandphotographsofthepasttrulyrecordthesceneryandpersonnelofthatera.Youngpeoplecanpeekintothescalesandclawsofthedevelopmenthistoryofthepolecompany,whiletheolderonescancausethedeepestmemoriesandresonancesintheheart.Inordertoenrichthecorporateculture,retainthetracesofthecompany'sdevelopmenthistory,carryforwardtheexcellentqualityofthehardworkofthepreviousgenerationofelectricpoles,andtakethethemeof“inheritinghistoryandcreatingthefuturetogether”,soastocollectthepowerpolesofBeipiaofrom1980to2010.ManufacturingCo.,Ltd.includes:companydoors,streets,walls,poles/pipelineworkshops,productionconditions,warehouses,transportationvehicles,deliverysites,etc.,canreflecttheoldphotosofeventsandpeople.Wealsowelcomeyoutowritedownthestoriesinthephotoswhileprovidingoldphotos.Indicatewhen,where,orwherethephotowastaken.Itcanbeoneoragroup,blackandwhite,color,ororiginalorreprinted.Wewillarrangetherelevantleadersofthecompanyandtheoldemployeeswhohaveworkedinthefactoryformorethan20yearstoconductevaluationsandevaluateandscreenthephotos.Oncethephotosareadopted,eachawardisawardedformorethan100yuan(amountvaries). Collectiontime:February20,2017-March20,2017Selectionstage:March25th-April25th,2017BeipiaoPowerPoleManufacturingCo.,Ltd.EnterpriseManagementOfficeSunWei15104245080
Release time:
2018/12/06 13:36
In 2011, under the wise leadership and careful guidance of the board of directors and the chairman, our company achieved good social benefits through the vigorous cooperation of the relevant teams and the joint efforts of all employees, and completed all indicators in an all-round way. A major accident of safety in production occurred, and the situation of safety in production was further stabilized. We will report and clarify the punishment of our company's safety production accidents in 2011 and commend advanced individuals who have not experienced safety accidents. According to the "Safe Production Law" and the relevant regulations on safe production management, combined with the provisions of the "Safety Production Responsibility Certificate", the person responsible for a safety accident in 2011 shall be fined accordingly: (Unit: Yuan) According to the completion of the safety production responsibility assessment by the person in charge at the end of the year, make outstanding contributions to the safety production work, and commend the outstanding person in charge of the workshop (the amount of reward is determined according to the risk factor of the workshop and the number of personnel): Because our company occupies a large area, there are many facilities and equipment, and there are few management personnel, the safety production has a long way to go. Although the unit has thought of many ways and adopted many effective measures, hidden safety hazards still exist. We will work hard to clarify safety responsibilities, strengthen safety management, improve the system, grasp the implementation, and strive to eliminate unsafe accidents and hidden dangers in the bud. While summarizing the work safety in 2011, the company continued to sign the 2012 safety production responsibility certificate with the principals of the workshops.      
Release time:
2018/12/06 13:33
On the morning of October 17, Xie Weidong, mayor of Beipiao City, accompanied by Secretary Zhang of Xingshunde Township, went to Beipiao Electric Power Pole Company to inspect the production, operation and development of the enterprise. Mayor Xie inspected our company's high-powered bending moment ring-shaped concrete pole new construction project and our company's annual output of 200km large-diameter reinforced concrete drainage pipe technical renovation and expansion project using the world's most advanced core mold vibration process. In person to the production workshop to inspect the production situation, and have a deep understanding of the use and promotion of the technical achievements of large bending moment ring-shaped concrete poles. Secretary Xing Shunde Township introduced to Mayor Xie the development status of Beipiao Electric Power Pole Company in the past 30 years and its contribution to local economic development. Beipiao Electric Pole Co., Ltd. has always been a key support enterprise in Beipiao City. Since the establishment of the factory, it has been deeply loved by various provinces and municipal electricity bureaus and related departments with high-quality products and good corporate reputation. In the most difficult circumstances of the global economic crisis, companies continue to maintain production. While continuing to grow, not forgetting to serve the place and contribute to Xingshunde Township is a well-known pillar enterprise. Chairman Zhou Wanxue reported to Mayor Xie the production and operation of the enterprise and the future development prospects of the "12th Five-Year Plan". Beipiao Electric Pole Company is constantly improving its production process and technology, extending the production chain of the enterprise, and strengthening the management of environmental protection facilities. Mayor Xie said that this time he came to Beipiao Power Pole Company to learn about the bright future of concrete poles. He also saw that Beipiao Power Pole Company used self-developed production technology and automated supporting facilities for production. It is marching at a vigorous pace in the tide of fierce market competition. The company's environmental protection facilities are readily available and meet national environmental protection requirements. Through thirty years of development, Beipiao Power Pole Company has achieved a step-by-step expansion of the scale, the company's strength and core competitiveness have gradually increased, technological innovations have emerged endlessly, and the development of talents has been incorporated into the company's long-term planning. It is hoped that while Beipiao Power Pole Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will continue to forge ahead, it will continue to drive local economic development and contribute to the development of Beipiao economy.    
Release time:
2018/12/06 13:40
Enterprise Quality Credit Report                     Beipiao Power Pole Manufacturing Co., Ltd. May 2016       Foreword One, preparation specifications (1) Content objectivity statement: This report is the basic situation of the enterprise's quality and integrity system construction during the reporting period. The content is true, objective and fair. Based on this, we welcome the public to provide comments and suggestions on the content we publish. (2) Report organization scope: This report covers Beipiao Power Pole Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (3) Reporting time range: From May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017, some data and contents are beyond the above range. (4) Report data description: If there is any discrepancy between the financial data disclosed in this report and the financial report, the financial report shall prevail, and other data shall come from internal company statistics. The amount of currency involved in this report is measured in RMB, unless otherwise specified. (5) Report release cycle: The quality credit report is an annual report, with a period of one year, and the content of the report will be dynamically updated according to the actual situation. (6) Report acquisition method: This report is published in an electronic version on the website of Beipiao Power Pole Manufacturing Co., Ltd., website: 2. Message from the Chairman Dear friends from all walks of life: Hello everyone! Thank you for your care for our company. Beipiao Power Pole Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has experienced more than 30 years of ups and downs and has developed into three series of electric poles with more than one hundred kinds of rules, 3 grids up to 200,000, and more than 200 kilometers of concrete. Professional manufacturer of products. The market covers the three northeastern provinces, Hebei and eastern Inner Mongolia. The annual output value reaches 150 million yuan. It is now the largest concrete pole manufacturer in the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia, with the most complete product specifications and the strongest research and development capabilities. During this period, the hard work and sweat of all the employees of the company were condensed. In the same way, we can't do without the customers and friends who have given us the love and love that we have for many years; we can't do without the friends of all the suppliers who are in the same boat with us. Here, on behalf of all employees of Beipiao Power Pole Manufacturing Co., Ltd., I would like to extend the most sincere thanks and the highest respect to you. Over the years, "Xingshun" people have used their ingenuity and unique natural resources to produce high-quality poles and drain pipes. Their quality and cost have a strong competitive advantage in the same industry as strong hands. In today's rapid economic development in China, we "Xingshun" people have developed a high-strength ring-shaped concrete pole that can replace iron towers and steel pipe rods by virtue of extraordinary courage and super R&D capabilities, market-oriented . The vitality of the company is reflected in agility and efficiency, the competitiveness of the company is reflected in quality and service, and the development of the company is reflected in the popularity and reputation. Providing customers with newer and better products and services is the foundation of enterprise production and development. I have always firmly believed that: "Big business seeks the way, small business seeks the profit. The seeker, both the way and the profit. The seeker, both the way and the profit lose." Continuously creating new value for customers can better realize the survival value of the enterprise. "Creating benefits for customers and creating wealth for society" is our business philosophy. With the latest corporate philosophy, the most lively business mechanism, the best production mode, the most refined product quality, to meet user needs and win customer trust. Seize opportunities and meet challenges. "Xingshun" people are willing to work with you to create a better future. Looking forward to cooperating with you! 3. Introduction Beipiao Power Pole Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was founded in 1980, and currently has 312 employees, including 72 technicians and 12 people with intermediate titles or above. It covers an area of ​​300 acres and has a construction area of ​​18,000 m2. It is a member unit of the China Cement Products Industry Association, a member unit of the expert group of the Pole Professional Committee of the China Cement Products Industry Association, a standing director unit of the Liaoning Building Materials Industry Association and a vice-chairman unit of the Liaoning Cement Products Industry Association. The company provides its own water supply, drainage, pipeline network and special transmission lines, and has complete infrastructure and environmental protection facilities such as water, electricity, steam
Release time:
2018/12/06 13:39
The multi-functional prefabricated "integrated pipe corridor" product of the city underground (3mx2.6m) has undergone five months of preparation and construction, and is officially mass-produced in our company this week. This new product is our company's new economic growth point! Leaders are welcome to patronize.  
Release time:
2018/12/06 13:38
On July 23, the company held a product promotion meeting for urban and rural infrastructure construction in Chaoyang. The product promotion meeting invited leaders and experts from relevant departments such as design institutes, construction bureaus, municipal engineering companies and supervision stations in all counties and cities of Chaoyang City. The recommended inspection wells, prefabricated comprehensive pipe corridors and septic tanks and other products are new products of our company's R&D strategy in the past year, focusing on technological innovation to seize the new opportunities of building a sponge city in the country, and focusing on technological innovation to establish a new trend in the concrete product industry. Our company has always been based on the business philosophy of "no person, no person, excellent person, excellent person", and has become the top 100 most growing companies in the national building materials industry in 2016. The convening of this new product promotion meeting is of great significance for our company to expand the product market, enhance the company's overall image, display scientific and technological achievements, and increase the company's popularity. We will continue to improve product quality, adhere to technological innovation, and better serve the concrete products industry    
Release time:
2018/12/06 13:30
On the morning of October 13, the 2011 Drainage Pipe Industry Technical Progress Conference was grandly held in Shanghai. The meeting was hosted by the Drainage Pipe Department of China Concrete and Cement Products Association, and undertaken by Wuhan Shuangqiang Pipe Industry Co., Ltd. More than 170 representatives from leaders of the China Concrete and Cement Products Association, experts in the drainage pipe industry, and enterprises and professional technicians from more than 20 provinces and cities attended the meeting. The conference adopts thematic reports, special reports and on-site interactive discussions and exchanges, field visits and other methods for academic exchanges. At the two-day academic exchange meeting, Lu Genxi, a senior engineer of Shanghai Pudong Concrete & Cement Products Co., Ltd., former director of Shanghai Cement Pipe Factory Ju Xianyong, chairman of Jiangdu Building Materials Machinery Factory Co., Ltd. Zhong Changping and director of Jiangsu Huaguang Shuangshun Chang Zhangyong, former president of Beijing Municipal Engineering Research Institute, professor-level senior engineer Cao Shenglong, general manager of Suzhou Kexing Concrete Cement Products Co., Ltd. Chu Jianzhong, chief engineer of Tianjin Guantong Guanjing Cement Products Co., Ltd. Wang Manqing, Liaoning Beipiao Power Pole Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Zhou Wanjun, American Haka-Pete Habbo, and other experts, scholars, and business representatives made a wonderful academic report at the meeting, introducing the current status of domestic and foreign drainage pipe industry technology development and the latest drainage pipe in China Research, development, application technology of technology, products and equipment. The overall level of the academic report is high, reflecting the latest technological achievements in the field of drainage pipes in my country in recent years. Zhou Wanjun, the manager of our company's technical department, was invited to attend this conference.
Release time:
2018/12/06 13:28
Before and after the Chaoyang City school-enterprise cooperation meeting on May 13, our company has contacted Northeastern University and Liaoning University of Science and Technology successively, hoping to get technical support from relevant universities in the latest technology of cement products. After several invitations for communication, on June 30, 2011, two professors including Director Zhang Tiezhi from the School of Resources and Civil Engineering of Liaoning University of Science and Technology came to our company for an investigation and investigation. Both sides conducted extensive and in-depth understanding of their respective advantages and cooperation issues. The actual needs, initially determined to carry out the following cooperation: 1. Development of a high-strength concrete moment pole applied to EHV transmission lines The main contents are: the preparation of C80 concrete under atmospheric curing; the study of the preparation of C80 concrete under high-pressure curing and the effect of high-pressure curing on the life of the pole concrete; the design of the reinforced grid of the concrete pole for 500kv transmission lines, and the production process of the pole Design; research on the application of high-strength concrete poles under various typical environmental conditions of 500kv transmission and transformation lines; the study of aesthetic concrete poles or composite concrete poles applied to urban high-voltage and ultra-high voltage transmission and transformation lines; applied to Research on concrete towers in other fields (such as wind power, etc.). 2. Research and development of anti-corrosion concrete drainage pipes; research on new production technology of drainage pipes; research on the production of special-shaped culvert pipes such as arch culverts and box culverts using internal model vibration technology; applied to cities as cables, heating, water supply, steam supply, drainage Research and development of multi-pipeline integrated culverts; research and development of other pipeline culverts. 3. Research and development of the latest concrete water pipe. 4. R&D of other practical concrete new products. On July 10, Liaoning University of Science and Technology has completed the laboratory preparation of C80 concrete, and our company will conduct production tests in the near future. The two sides are also preparing for long-term cooperation between colleges and enterprises, using the enterprise as a test and practice base for the College of Resources and Civil Engineering of Liaoning University of Science and Technology, and the college will provide long-term technical support and personnel training for enterprises. Recently, the two parties will sign a cooperation agreement.




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ADD:Liaoning beipiao xingshunde farm



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